This is a choice between safety and uncertainty. Imagine a single-use fire escape ladder such as Kidde fire escape ladder 2 story or first alert 2-story fire ladder: you buy it but cannot test it beforehand. In a fire emergency, amidst chaos, smoke, and panic, you must deploy the ladder for the first time from its box, read the instructions, and figure out how to use it—all within seconds.
Now, imagine you didn’t hesitate to spend a bit more and bought a reusable fire escape ladder from ISOP. You calmly set it up at home, attach it to the window or balcony railing (depending on the type of fire emergency ladder ), and practice going up and down. Your family members do the same, getting familiar with it. In case of an emergency, you know how to act quickly and calmly because you’ve already practiced.
The difference between a reusable and single-use fire escape ladder is like jumping out of a plane with a parachute you’ve tested multiple times versus reaching for a parachute for the first time right before the jump.
You decide.
Agree. Reusable fire ladder is worth extra few dollars
Échelle de secours
Échelle d’évacuation
Échelle de corde
Échelle de secours d’urgence
Escalera de incendios
Escalera de evacuación
Escalera de cuerda
Escalera de escape de emergencia
Scala antincendio
Scala di evacuazione
Scala di corda
Scala di emergenza
Evacuatie ladder
Nooduitgang ladder