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Fireproof Fire Escape Rope Ladder Benefits

Fireproof Fire Escape Rope Ladder Benefits

Fire escape ladder is an essential item that you must have if you live in storied building. Those who live in 2nd floor and above, need a fire escape ladder in case they need it for a quick escape. In case you didn’t know, elevator is a big no-no when there is fire. Always take the stairs or fire escape ladder. Buildings may have escape ladder or not. Which is why, a fire escape ladder can help you stay prepared for emergency situations.

One of the key features of fire escape ladder is fireproof. A fireproofed rope ladder is an asset and it can be used for multiple purposes.

What is a Rope ladder?

A rope ladder is a type of ladder made from ropes entirely or partly. There are rope rungs held by two long ropes. Or the rung can be of any other fireproof material. And, it comes with hooks which keeps the rope ladder in place.

Fire escape ladders are especially made for helping people escape fire. Which means, they are durable and are capable of handling multiple people at a time. The ropes are designed to withstand lot of weight.

Rope ladders are a better option than metal or wood in many ways. Firstly, they are easily foldable, which means, they can be stored easily. Secondly, they are lightweight and can be carried around without any hassle.

Fire Escape Ladder Purposes

Fire escape ladder, as the name suggest, is used for escaping fire. But you can use it for other purposes too. When it comes to escaping fire, you need something reliable. A fire escape ladder for 2 story building or above is a convenient way to escape from a balcony or window. A sturdy rope is a reliable tool for escaping fire.

While it is called fire escape ladder, it can be used for other things too. Such as:

  • You can use it for tree house, to climb up and down.
  • You can also use it for fitness purposes. Rope climbing is an effective workout technique.
  • Rope ladder can also be used for outdoor activities too.
  • Apart from physical benefits, rope ladders can also help improve mental strength too.

Fireproof Rope Ladder

A fireproof rope ladder comes with a wide range of benefits. And, when looking for a rope ladder, one must look for this feature. Otherwise, a rope ladder would be a liability. Having a fireproof rope ladder can benefit you in many ways. Here is why they are great:

  • Sturdy and strong: Fireproof rope ladder is built to withstand fire, and they are made from strong material. They are strong and sturdy. These qualities are immensely important in a fire escape ladder.
  • Will last for a long time: A fire escape ladder which is also fireproof will last for a long time. They are designed to withstand pressure of fire, weight and wear and tear. Even when you use it daily, like for treehouse, it will still last for years.
  • Reliable for escaping fire: It is a no brainer that a fireproof fire escape ladder is a reliable option for escaping a fire. As you know, it can withstand fire, and weight of multiple at the same time. This is important as it can help people escape fire without any hassle.

How to choose a Rope Ladder

When looking for a rope ladder, especially for fire escape purposes, you must look for important features. These features include:

  • Compact – Look for rope ladder that is compact as it makes a ladder more study. Make sure that it is built with closely and neatly packed ropes.
  • Portable – A rope ladder must be portable, so that it can be carried and stored easily. Bulky ladders can be difficult to use, especially in case of emergency. So, make sure that it is portable.
  • Lightweight – A rope ladder needs to be lightweight. This way, you can easily store and carry around without any hassle. Plus, it will help when you are trying to escape fire.
  • Fireproof – Fireproof is an important feature for a rope ladder used for fire escape ladder. It will not only help escape fire, but it will also help prevent it from getting damaged due to fire. So, make sure that you find a fire escape rope ladder which is fireproof.

The Bottom Line

Fire escape ladder is an important tool every home must have. Especially, if you live in a storied building. It will help escape fire and can be used for a wide range of other purposes too. There are so many benefits of a fireproof fire escae ladder and when you are looking for a rope ladder, make sure that it has this feature.

ISOP fire escape ladder is built for efficiency, reliability and safety. They come with excellent features like being lightweight, compact, sturdy, and they come in various sizes. We also ship worldwide in many countries. Check out the details here –

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